Thursday, January 30, 2014

I'm going to punch this snow in the face!

     Here in our fabulous sleepy little town in  North Carolina, we are going on our third snow day, working on our fourth. The roads are bad. I'm from Pennsylvania and wouldn't want to drive on these roads. Packed with snow and a thick sheet of ice, our friendly neighborhood streets are holding us hostage. I would like to leave the house and so would my children. Let me rephrase, my children NEED to leave the house. I love them. I love my children. I love my children. I love my kids...OK! Sorry, I'm back. I had to recite my mantra before my latest rocking spell took place. 
     The munchkins are loving no school, and I loved it yesterday. I loved it the day before. Day 3, not so much. My house has been turned into a jungle gym. The boys built a hammock yesterday, after making grappling hooks to attempt to climb and repel on their closet doors. Now, obviously when they proudly showed me their grappling hooks complete with shoe strings for rope, I did not allow them to attempt the climb. I am proud of their innovation and their vocabulary. I am not so excited about my house being slowly torn down by an 8 and 5 year old boy. My daughter on the other hand has become a vampire. She stays in her room with her little space heater set on melt your face hot. Though, she's come up with some fabulous artwork while baking in her room, I'd still like to see her pretty face now and then. She also comes in handy when the boys are trying to kill themselves when adult supervision is out of the room. 
     I would just like to know who stole the mild southern winters? Why would you do that? When are you going to give it back? You know somethings wrong when the temperature in Anchorage, AK are warmer than MS, AL, NC, and GA. If snow were a person I think it'd be time to punch it in the face! If cold were a person I'd give permission for it to be kicked in the shin. I mean really weather, stop being an a**hole and go back to those cold states. Or you could go kick rocks somewhere else. I hear they are pretty used to snow in Russia. 

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