Saturday, July 30, 2016

Don't Pee on That!

Kids. They truly just amaze me. Unpredictable yet predictable. Sporadic yet consistent. And just when you think you've got their tricks down to a science, they make a complete game changer!


When my girls were younger I thought, “Oh I got this! These girls are a piece of cake.” Now that I have a boy, man have my thoughts taken a complete 180!


When I was pregnant and found out I was having a boy, let me tell you….I was not a happy mama!! I did not want a boy. I didn’t know what to do with a boy. I am a girly girl, and just the thought of a boy and dirt and sports I was so lost….for the rest of my pregnancy. Once he got here though, man was my life complete. Even to this day he is the light of my life. Don’t get me wrong, so are my girls. But they don’t want much to do with me anymore…unless it has to do with fashion, nails or hair go figure! Lil man, well he is still all about me and that’s perfectly fine with me! I know this won’t last forever, so I want to soak it in while I can. J


The one thing that gets me the most is how drastically different boys are from girls. I mean my girls were so mellow and calm, he is so wild and crazy. They were clean and he is definitely not. There are even times I question my sanity due to the things he does. I mean I find myself saying phrases I never in my wildest dreams ever thought I'd hear anyone say. This past week alone I have caught myself saying….


"Don't pee on the cat!"


"Don't draw on your wee wee!"


"Why is your butt colored like a rainbow?!" 


"Stop showing your wee wee to the neighbors!" 


Come on now, you know I can't make this stuff up!! 


Truth is my life revolves around my babies. All 3. It just so happens my 2 year old does things that are so comical it shows me how much to appreciate every moment with them. They are only little for a short time, that the little things (yes, even peeing on the cat) make it all worth remembering! Maybe this will be a perfect story to share at his wedding!!


Be fabulous!

Xoxo, Heather

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

I Shaved with Conditioner so You Don't Have To!!

A few weeks ago, I read an article about making shaving your lady bits a little easier. I'm not quite sure why this has become this huge movement. Going bare, or nearly bare down there has become so popular that seeing a woman in her natural hairy glory is abnormal. We shave, wax, tweeze, and Nair just about every part of our bodies, leaving our eyebrows and lashes to have a lonely party with the hair on our heads. 

The article I read was about women thinking it was more hygienic to go bare in their nether regions. It's not. It's simply for aesthetics and can actually cause painful in grown hairs as well as unpleasant infections or razor burn. In this article they gave a list of several options to try to get your lady bits as smooth as Georgia peach. 

One of the options was shaving with hair conditioner. Maybe I'm just not that cool, but this thought never crossed my mind. I was genuinely intrigued and happy about not having to spend any money on some fancy new shave cream. Most households have conditioner. I'm going to go out in a limb and assume that most people wash their hair from time to time, which made this personal challenge a no brainer. 

Let me tell you this. It was fabulous! No pulling. No razor burn. Nothing unpleasant to report. Use a small pea sized amount and handle your lady business. The process feels a little like slicing through butter with a warm knife. After the amazement at the ease of this new process, you shock yourself back to reality with closing your pores with cold water. You can use a cool wash cloth, but I'm a rebel and just turned the shower to cold for 5-10 seconds before hopping out. 

Using this method, the hair didn't grow back any slower, but there were no ingrown hairs or razor bumps to complain about. Overall, it was fairly pleasant and before heading to the beach, I'll likely use this method again to keep things less offensive for the other beach goers. As always...

Stop yelling at me...please, 