Thursday, January 30, 2014

I'm going to punch this snow in the face!

     Here in our fabulous sleepy little town in  North Carolina, we are going on our third snow day, working on our fourth. The roads are bad. I'm from Pennsylvania and wouldn't want to drive on these roads. Packed with snow and a thick sheet of ice, our friendly neighborhood streets are holding us hostage. I would like to leave the house and so would my children. Let me rephrase, my children NEED to leave the house. I love them. I love my children. I love my children. I love my kids...OK! Sorry, I'm back. I had to recite my mantra before my latest rocking spell took place. 
     The munchkins are loving no school, and I loved it yesterday. I loved it the day before. Day 3, not so much. My house has been turned into a jungle gym. The boys built a hammock yesterday, after making grappling hooks to attempt to climb and repel on their closet doors. Now, obviously when they proudly showed me their grappling hooks complete with shoe strings for rope, I did not allow them to attempt the climb. I am proud of their innovation and their vocabulary. I am not so excited about my house being slowly torn down by an 8 and 5 year old boy. My daughter on the other hand has become a vampire. She stays in her room with her little space heater set on melt your face hot. Though, she's come up with some fabulous artwork while baking in her room, I'd still like to see her pretty face now and then. She also comes in handy when the boys are trying to kill themselves when adult supervision is out of the room. 
     I would just like to know who stole the mild southern winters? Why would you do that? When are you going to give it back? You know somethings wrong when the temperature in Anchorage, AK are warmer than MS, AL, NC, and GA. If snow were a person I think it'd be time to punch it in the face! If cold were a person I'd give permission for it to be kicked in the shin. I mean really weather, stop being an a**hole and go back to those cold states. Or you could go kick rocks somewhere else. I hear they are pretty used to snow in Russia. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Escape

I am a writer, have been since I learned how to write. My husband asked me to come up with a description of him. A writer just does not describe someone, they must create a scene, or mood. Here's my description of my husband.

                                                                 The Escape

     But he had the kind of looks that would get any good girl into trouble. Sultry yet, playful green eyes with little flecks of honey sprinkled throughout. He had a clean shaven baby face, adorned with deep dimples and a rebellious goatee. 
     In her eyes, his smile is the reason the sun shone and the moon bated the tides. His hands were those of a working man. Rough, callused and hot. His touch awakened something primal in her. She could feel her mounting pressure release as she breathed in his scent. With all that stirred in her, her heart, mind and body went quiet as she let herself awaken from this daydream. 
     Who was this mysterious god of a man, now standing beside his equally beautiful goddess of a wife. In that moment she allowed herself to be pulled into a fantasy with a complete stranger. A world where her pain no longer existed and she was the desire of a human god. That was her only escape. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Snow days

With the whole country being covered with snow or ice, with the exception of Florida and Arizona, how are we supposed to function if we didn't make it to the store in time to buy our bread and milk? I mean who doesn't just love milk sandwiches for those couple days of being "snowed in". I happen to be from a snowy state, Pittsburgh, PA receives 9,000 feet of snow per year and has super long winters, which is why I moved south. Well, here in the south, we don't do snow or ice or even the mention of the two. Usually if there's a threat of a snow flake falling two days from now, school is cancelled for two weeks. Obviously that's an exaggeration but, you get my point. Since living below the Mason Dixon for 15 years there's one thing that always piqued my curiosity. What's with the milk and bread for storms?! You can't even make French toast with no egg! So, why milk and bread friends, just why? Things you should stock up on in a storm: water, canned food, PB & J, fire wood, batteries, even toilet paper. Notice what's missing? You got it friends, milk and bread! So unless you've figured out some ingenious way of making milk sandwiches, back away from the isle slowly and duck and cover. These folks get really serious over those almost bare shelves. Well I guess you should use bread for you PB & J, which is actually a sandwich! Seriously though, if you've totally figured out an awesome milk sandwich, share the recipe. DONT YELL AT ME, please ;) 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Are you a "Vaccine Pusher"?...

I am pro-vaccine but don't push my views on anyone, and to generalize ALL pro-vaccine parents is unfair. Her main focus (link provided below) is Whooping cough, yes that's huge right now! I see it like the flu vaccine (which my kids never get), the virus is always mutating and the doctors are always a strain behind and the people who tend to get vaccinated usually catch a form of the flu anyway. With that being said, Polio, Measles, and Mumps aren't cool either. These diseases were barely present any more in America, but are making a come back. It's not the vaccinated children that are getting it, so what does that do to her argument? I prefer for my children to be safe from as many diseases as possible, especially ones that are known to be prevented from vaccines. I've known people that vaccinate their dogs against heart worm and rabies but, not their children against major childhood diseases. So, that's something that should be taken into consideration before getting up in arms and defensive about your choices for your children.Yes, My children are part of the heard that are helping to protect un-vaccinated children. I do not fault anyone for their choices for their family. As parents we do what's best for our family and we need to stop being so critical of each other! I only took offense over the generalization of pro-vaccine parents. Yes, I vaccinate. Yes, I am aware some do not. Yes, I support their choice as well as my own. *end rant*

More Proof That the “Vaccine Pusher” Crowd Can’t Think Critically…. | Modern Alternative Mama