Saturday, October 17, 2015

This meme and it's sister memes bother me. I am not saying that real mean don't like curves, but I do feel that these posts are only furthering the need for women to go after one another. Really, when was the last time we saw a man posting something like this on their social media page? There's another one of these floating around that says something like, I'm not a size 0, because I'm not a twelve year old boy. That's not the exact wording, but close enough for you to catch my drift. Well folks, I am a size 0. Most of the female world that I've come into contact with, don't like me before they even get to know me. I have always been thin. I have three children and guess what? I'm still thin. It took me a long time to love the body that God gave me because of statements like the ones that are being shared all over social media in hopes to make thicker women feel more empowered. I am all for empowering women, just not at the expense of another woman's self esteem. Unfortunately, from the time we break out of our mother's lady bits, we are forced into the "pretty box." How silly is it that from the moment we take our first breaths, and our parents count our little fingers and toes, the next worry is, the little girls beauty. We are trained to value our appearance, our beauty, from other peoples standards of beauty. We value this beauty over intelligence and other valuable traits. Why is that? Women of all sizes should take offense to these memes, not because it is devaluing the woman without curves, but because it's devaluing all women. Who we are is not tied into our size, weather we wear make up, or if we like men or women. A person's value should only be determined by that individual person. 

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