Monday, August 18, 2014

Is Ferguson a Black Problem?

                                             (image from:

With all of the unrest that is going on in Ferguson, MO one could come to the conclusion from the images on the screen, that this is a black problem. I disagree. What is happening in Ferguson and other communities across America, is an American problem, not just a black problem.

These officers and random vigilante citizens are killing American kids. These kids have futures, families and friends. These children could hold the cure to cancer or ALS. Their minds are not dull because of the color of their skin. They are not less than, because they are tan year round. These are America's babies. These are future presidents, doctors, and teachers. Shooting an unarmed child should not be tolerated by anyone.

The people of Ferguson are exercising their rights as American citizens and are being met with brute force by police officers. There are reports from the front line on what is occurring and a lot of what is being reported is of underhanded actions of the police. Police officers inciting the crowds to get a reaction that can be construed as violent, so they can in turn use violent force. It is not just citizens reporting such claims, but reporters as well.

I've always been taught, if you don't like something; change it, and that's what these people are doing. This is not the first time a police officer has shot an unarmed child without real immediate consequence. These officers receive pay while suspended and will likely return to work when the media coverage dies down. This behavior is unacceptable and as Americans we should demand more of the people sworn to protect us.

I really could go on forever on this topic, but I will leave you with these links. We need to show the world that we value ALL lives in our country. We need to show the local governments that we as Americans will not stand for this senseless behavior from our police officers and fearful citizens. No one should have to teach their children to fear police officers. This is all getting out of hand and we as Americans need to get mad enough to do something about it!

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