Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What happens next?

Am I supposed to have a picture with every blog I post?! Well, I took a bit of a hiatus. I know, I don't have the clout to do such a thing, but I did it anyway. Hey, I warned you I'm not good at this thing! Basically nothing exciting happened over the summer. Shortly after Cari was diagnosed, she went to stay with my mom for the summer. My mom usually takes all three kids for a good portion of the summer every year. I didn't completely relax all summer though. I requested Cari be placed on a 504 plan or an IEP, neither of which has been followed up on by the school. Since school has started I've gone up to the school and the counselor was out. Sent an email and still no luck on hearing back. Ugly momma's about to come out!
I have learned that people like to give lots of advice and the folks I thought would shine a light are no where to be found. Filing for Disability Benefits was a joke. I had no idea why I was there or what I was doing, needless to say she was denied. So, here I am, months later...lost.


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